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Discover the best affiliate programs for beginners that will help you earn your blog’s first dollar.

Looking for the best affiliate programs for beginners? Here is a list of the best affiliate programs that you can join if you are a beginner.

Blogging can be a hobby but wouldn’t it be better if we earn something from our hobby? I think so.

Most of us bloggers have different reasons why we blog, but the most common is earning extra money. This is why almost all blogs are monetized, mostly through affiliate marketing.

But as a new blogger, you’ll be overwhelmed on which one to join because of the list of affiliate programs out there. You definitely do not want to join all of them at once.

So to help you with that, I rounded up the best affiliate marketing programs for beginners that will help you get started.

Why Affiliate Marketing

Starting a blog is easy but the hard part is maintaining it. However, it will all be worth it once you start making money. So, you just have to start.

If you do not have a blog yet, head over to How to Start a Blog With Minimal Investment to get started.

Once you have your blog, monetizing it can be done in different ways. It can be from ads like Google Adsense or or from sponsored posts by other companies.

But for me, I think the best way of monetizing your blog is through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is where you promote products that you use or trust and the company of that product will pay you for it.

The reason why I think it is the best way because you are actually helping your readers while you are earning money. You do not have to create your own product to sell.

Some successful bloggers are earning a decent income from affiliate marketing while they sleep.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing

Now, there are several companies that accept affiliates, however, some of them are picky.

They have set standards to be accepted in their affiliate program. But there are also those who easily accepts new bloggers. 

I have a beginner’s guide to affiliate marketing that you can read so you can start the right way.

Just do not be discouraged when your application is rejected. You can always re-apply once your blog meets their requirement.

When I was a new blogger, I got rejected by a few companies but luckily got accepted to some.

Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners

So to help you get started with affiliate marketing, I rounded up a list of affiliate programs that are easy to join.


Since I am an Amazon user myself, it was the very first company I applied to and got accepted.

Everyone is using Amazon and everybody trusts Amazon, so it was a no brainer.

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    I love Amazon because they have a huge selection of products you can choose from. So whatever niche you are in, you will always find a product that your audience will want. 

    And the best part is that your reader does not need to purchase the product you recommended in order for you to make money.

    They just need to click on your affiliate link, browse Amazon and whatever they will buy, you will be credited from it.

    So for example, you have a  link on a book on infertility that got a reader interested. The reader clicked on the link and was directed to Amazon.

    However, the reader lost interest in the infertility book and decided to buy a fertility supplement instead.

    Now, you will still be credited by the amount the reader purchased, even though they did not buy the one you recommend. Awesome, right?


    Shareasale is an affiliate network company, meaning it works with a lot of merchants.

    Some of the merchants include Dollar Tree, ChicCloth, Etsy, Survey Junkie and so much more. Once you get accepted by Shareasale, you can easily apply for the merchants you want.

    Shareasale makes it easy because you do not have to go through filling up application forms over and over again.

    I actually made my first $100 using Shareasale. Head over to my Shareasale review, where I show step by step how I did it.


    FlexOffers is the same as Shareasale, which is an affiliate network company. They do have many merchants as well, including Wayfair, Macy’s, Priceline, GrubHub, Walmart, and more.


    Another affiliate network company is Rakuten Linkshare. The same with Flexoffers and Shareasale, they also work with a lot of merchants including Guess, Kate Spade, Microsoft and more.


    Siteground is one of the very first affiliate programs I applied to because I was already using it for my blog. They are one of the few who pays high commissions.

    If you haven’t started using Siteground yet, you should start now. They have a very affordable price. You can start a blog for less than a cup of coffee a month!

    If you do not have a blog yet, you can head over to my tutorial on how to start a blog using Siteground.


    Grammarly is one of the first affiliates where I earn my first buck. It helps improve your post by checking grammar, spelling, punctuation, and even plagiarism.

    Once you become an affiliate, you can earn immediately just by promoting them on social media or writing a post about Grammarly.

    Here is an example of how I promoted Grammarly.


    Pinterest has been my number one traffic generator but it can make you unproductive if you do not automate it.

    Tailwind has been a game changer for me. It helped me so much especially in increasing my pageviews. It did not only freed up my time but also helped me gain more followers.

    And you can actually earn extra money by referring clients to them. You can give them a try by signing up for their free trial which gives you free 100 pins.

    Other Affiliate Programs Worth Promoting

    Blog by Number

    This e-course has it all, from starting a blog to monetizing it. It is the very first e-course I purchased which is all worth it. Check out my Blog By Number review to check out why it is a must-have for new bloggers.

    How to Earn Money with Amazon

    This e-book focuses on how to earn money from Amazon. It teaches how to earn $1000 from Amazon affiliates.

    Pinteresting Strategies

    This course is a must for new bloggers. It will show you step by step guide on how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your site.

    What I love about it is Carly constantly updates the course so it aligns with whatever algorithm Pinterest has.

    I was able to get consistent 500 visitors a day from Pinterest after a month of implementing her tips.

    Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing

    If you have been blogging for a little while now, you probably have heard about this e-course. The creator of this course, Michelle, has a very inspiring story.

    This is a powerful e-course that helped me understood affiliate marketing and how to apply them in my blogging journey.

    Final Thoughts On The Affiliate Programs For Beginners

    There are a lot of affiliate programs out there but if you are new to affiliate marketing, I would recommend starting with 10 affiliate programs just so it will be not too overwhelming.

    I hope you learn something from this post and now ready to dive into the affiliate marketing world and earn your first dollar.

    Which of the affiliate programs for beginners are you going to start with?

    List of affiliate marketing programs for beginners.

    Best Affiliate Marketing Programs For Beginners (10+ Programs That Will Increase Your Affiliate Income)
