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Make saving money fun and easy with 52 week challenges.

Saving money does not come easy to everyone. It can be daunting, especially when you do not know where to start.
No worries, I got you. Today, you will learn how to start saving money using the 52 weeks money challenge printable.
What is a 52 Weeks Money Challenge
The 52 weeks money challenge is a fun and motivating way to save money by setting aside a certain amount of money each week for 52 weeks or one year.
Most people start this 52 weeks savings challenge during the first week of January as part of their New Year’s goals.
However, the good thing about this challenge is you do not have to start on the first week of the year.
You can start any week as long as you complete it in 52 weeks.
How Much Money Do You Save In The 52 Week Challenge
The amount of money that you can save when you commit yourself to a 52-week saving money challenge depends on your goal.
You can save as little and as much as you want as long as your situation allows. You can aim for $1000, $5000, $10000, etc.
How Does the 52 Week Savings Challenge Work
The 52-week saving challenge is a simple and fun way to save money and achieve your goals.
All you have to do is choose your goal or the amount that you want to save in a year’s time. You would then deposit an increasing amount of money each week for one year.
Use a 52-week-money challenge chart (I have some good ones below) to help you stay on track.
52 Weeks Money Saving Challenges
Another good thing about the 52 weeks challenge is you can customize it to fit your needs. You can save as little money or a lot of money.
You can even make it more fun by starting a 52-week envelope money challenge where you use these pretty cash envelope templates.
I have created pre-populated printable money-saving charts that you can start using right away.
I also created a blank 52-week money challenge template that you can customize based on your needs.
All of these free money saving printables are available in our free resource library. Choose the best 52 week savings plan printable that best suits your need.
1) Traditional 52 Week Money Challenge Printable
This is the original version of the 52-week money savings challenge. You will start saving the dollar amount that corresponds to the week that you are on.
So for example, if you are in week 1, you will save $1. If you are in week 2, you will save $2, and so on.
At the end of 52 weeks, you will have a total of $1378! That is enough for a starter emergency fund.
If you are finding it hard to save for your emergency fund because you are living paycheck to paycheck, consider this challenge.

2) Reverse 52 Week Money Challenge Printable
Some people find the traditional 52 week money challenge a little bit challenging because the higher amounts fall on the holidays.
Holidays are when most of us are spending money left and right.
So if you’re finding it hard to save money during the holidays, consider this version. You will be reversing the amount of money that you’re saving.
It goes like this, you will save $52 on week one, $51 on week 2, and so on. By the time you get to the holidays, you will be saving the lesser amounts.
This version of the challenge is perfect if you are saving for Christmas presents or other holiday expenses.

3) 52 Week Money Challenge $10 Printable
If you are not a fan of saving different amounts every single week, you will like this version. Every week for 52 weeks, you will be saving $10.
At the end of 52 weeks, you will have a total of $550!

4) 52 Week Money Challenge $20 Printable
If you are able to set aside a little more money, try $20 per week. By the end of 52 weeks, you will have enough for a starter emergency fund.

5) 52 Week Money Challenge $2500 Printable
If you want to take your saving challenge to the next level, consider $2500, not too much and not too little.
At the end of 52 weeks, you’ll have enough for a vacation!

6) 52 Week Money Challenge $5000 Printable
If your goal is to save $5000 over the course of the year, this printable will help you get there.
At the end of the year, you can fund an IRA!

7) Blank 52 Week Money Challenge Printable
If you have a different amount in mind, here is a blank template for you to use or get this bundle to start saving now.
All you have to do is decide how much you want to save over the course of a year.
After you figure out the amount, divide that into 52, and you will get the amount you need to save every week.
Final Thoughts On The 52 Weeks Money Challenge Chart
Though it is true that saving money is tough, there are ways to make it fun and motivating, like doing challenges.
And by committing to these challenges and using the saving plan template that suits your need, you will develop a habit that will actually better yourself.
Download the 52 weeks money challenge printable to start saving now.
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I love the different options that you provide. We were able to grow an emergency fund years ago, and it relieved so much stress. We kept doing it and built up our savings. In the early stages, we were only able to save a little bit each week. When we had a job change, we were able to do more. Now we are in the habit of saving. It’s Life-Changing!
That is really awesome! I love hearing stories like this! Thank you 🙂