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Learn the best tips on how to save on your grocery bill.

Are you looking for ways on how to save money on groceries and household items? Well, you are in the right place.

Groceries do take away a huge chunk of our monthly budget. I’m guessing it is the same with you.

As a result, I am always looking for new ways to save money, especially on groceries. And surprisingly, there are always new ways on how to save on groceries and household items.

In this post, I listed 19 ways on how to save on the grocery bill. I am sure you will be able to learn something new and will apply it to your next grocery shopping trip.

Looking to reduce your grocery bill? Here are 19 ways to save on your grocery bill that are easy to do.

How To Save On Groceries And Household Items

#1 Meal Planning

Meal planning is the process of planning out what to prepare for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week instead of doing it every night. You can even include snacks.

In this method, you will be able to save money on your grocery bill because you will know exactly what you will need to prepare. Meal planning will save you from impulsive ordering out.

The steps involved in meal planning includes selecting your recipe, shopping for ingredients and prepping. One effective way of doing this is to plan your recipes on Friday night, shop Saturday morning and then prep on Sunday.

Saving Money Tip

If you’re looking for easy weekly meal plans, full of budget recipes, I recommend the $5 Meal Plan. $5 Meal Plan is a meal planning service that sends you a delicious meal plan and shopping list every week for just $5 a month.

You can try them for FREE!

#2 Grocery Flyers

Another way for you to save on your grocery bill is through grocery flyers. Grocery flyers are those papers from the grocery stores close to your house that comes in the mail once a week.

They contain information on what items are on sale for the week.

Before my budgeting life, they used to end up in the recycle bin immediately. Now, they’re like gold to me.

In order to save money, you will plan your meals around the items which are on sale or you can stock up on what is on sale that week.

Almost all products follow the 6-week sale cycle. So if a product is on sale this week and you did not buy it. You will have to wait for 6 weeks before it goes on sale again.

#3 Grocery List

A grocery list is a list of items that you need in your household. It can be weekly, bi-weekly or however often you do your grocery shopping.

Having a grocery will save you money by making you buy only the things you need. Therefore, saving you time as well.

You can do a grocery list by keeping it a running list, meaning you add an item to the list when you run out. Keep it on the refrigerator for easy access.

Group your items into categories to save more time.

#4 Check Unit Prices

According to Umass, the “unit price” tells you the cost per pound, quart, or other units of weight or volume of a food package.

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    Checking the unit price can save you money when you use it to compare the cost of the same product in different sizes.

    For example, if you want to buy a box of K-cup pods, a 12 ct box costs $4.89 and a 48 ct box costs $23.99. In order to get the unit price, simply divide the shelf price by the number of units.

    So in the example above, the unit price for the 12 ct box is $0.41 per cup and the 48 ct box is $0.50 per cup. You will save more with the 12 ct box.

    #5 Loyalty Cards

    Loyalty cards are a reward program that retail stores offer to their customers. Customers will be offered discounts, coupons or points.

    You will be able to save money when you take advantage of their discounted items or coupons. You may also receive free products when you accumulate enough points.

    To make loyalty cards work for you, apply in every store that you frequent.

    #6 Buy Generic Brand

    A generic brand refers to the store brand of a product. They are usually less expensive compared to the brand-name counterpart.

    Money Talks News listed 20 items that you should always buy generic to save you money.

    #7 Newspaper Coupons

    Newspaper coupons are those inserts that you see on Sunday papers. There are usually three types, the Retail Me Not, Procter and Gamble and the Smart Source.

    I usually refer to The Krazy Coupon Lady for couponing tips.

    #8 Online Coupons

    Another way to save on your grocery bill is to use online coupons. These are coupons that can be found online and can be printed to use at grocery stores.

    I usually get my coupons from Check out how it’s possible to do couponing to be debt-free.

    #9 Ibotta

    Ibotta is a smartphone app that enables you to earn cashback from your everyday purchases. It is available for most IOS and Android devices.

    Check out how I was able to save over $1K on groceries just by using Ibotta.

    It was founded by Bryan Leach and was launched in 2012. To date, Ibotta claims over 22 million downloads and paid out over $200 million in cashback.

    Ibotta provides its consumers with the opportunity to earn cash backs through coupons, completing simple tasks, referring friends and more.

    Try Ibotta today and get $10 just by signing up through this link.

    #10 Checkout51

    Checkout51 is another cash back up that pays you when you redeem offers and upload your receipts. Their offers apply to products that are commonly used therefore you will be saving money.

    Using the app is simple, you just add the product you want to the list. You will then go to the store and buy it.

    After you purchase the product, you will then submit your receipt by snapping a photo. That’s it, your cashback will be posted.

    Sign up through this link and you will get $5 to get you started.

    If you want to reduce your grocery bill, here are some of the best tips that you can do now.

    #11 Fetch Rewards

    Fetch Rewards is a mobile app available to IOS and Android that rewards you points for shopping at grocery stores, convenience stores, club stores, drugstores, and liquor stores.

    The points can be redeemed in the form of gift cards.

    All you have to do is snap a photo of your receipts and your points will be posted. Just like that!

    Sign up now and use the code AN3AJ to get 2,000 bonus points.

    #12 Shopkick

    Shopkick is another mobile app that earns you rewards just by shopping instore or online. You earn points towards gift cards Amazon, Target, Starbucks and more.

    You can earn points instore by walking in, scanning items and making purchases. On the other hand, you can earn points online just by viewing select offers or making purchases.

    Sign up using the code SHOP741145, make your first walk-in or scan, then you will get 250 kicks.

    #13 Receiptpal

    Receipt Pal is one of the mobile apps to save on groceries. This app earns you points when you snap a photo of ANY receipt. You can redeem these points through gift cards.

    It is simple to use Receiptpal, you just make your regular purchases then snap a photo of the receipt. That’s it, your points will be posted.

    #14 Credit Card Cashback

    In order to save more on your grocery bill, use a credit card that earns you cashback on groceries. Chase Freedom and Discover regularly have groceries on their quarterly category which earns 5% cashback.

    If you carry a lot of credit cards as I do, always use the credit card which earns you the most.

    #15 Freeze And Store

    When you stock up on products that are on sale, make sure you have a storage plan. Having a plan will prevent you from wasting money.

    We usually stock up on meat, fish, and poultry whenever they are on sale. After making the purchase, I divide them into cooking portions, vacuum seal each portion, date it and then freeze.

    I also do this to fruits that are in season. I just clean and cut into pieces. Divide them into portions then seal and date. Freezing will enable me to have my favorite smoothie all year round.

    #16 Grow A Garden

    Unfortunately, I do not have a green thumb. Maybe I have a black thumb because all plants that I try to take care of end up dying.

    However, I am very lucky to have a mother-in-law who has a green thumb. The complete opposite of me. She grows all the herbs we need for cooking and some vegetables.

    Growing your own garden can save you a lot on your grocery bill. On top of that, you will be consuming organic products.

    #17 Shop Bottom Shelves And Outer Aisle

    Did you know that one technique that grocery shops do is to keep the most expensive item at eye level? They do this because this is usually where shoppers grab their items from. It is the most accessible.

    So next time you go shopping, look up and look down. You can save more money by checking the bottom shelves.

    #18 Use Drop App

    In order to maximize your savings, download the Drop app on your mobile phone. You’ll get points for every purchase you make at almost all stores. Then you can redeem your points for gift cards. Use my referral code d0m46 to get $5.

    #19 Do Not Shop Hungry

    Before our budgeting journey, my husband and I happen to go grocery shopping hungry. Of course, we end up buying more items than we planned to.

    According to the research done by the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, hunger can make an individual acquire food and even non-food items.

    There you have it!

    I hope you can apply all of these tips to save on your groceries. If you want to save more money, learn how to easily save $1000 in one month.

    Which one tip on how to save on groceries and household items will you do first? Let me know in the comments.

    Grocery bill can be very expensive. However, there are way to save on grocery bill, here are some of the tips.

    19 Incredible Ways On How To Save Money On Groceries and Household Items
