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Happy New Year.

Let’s start 2025 by doing something smart to secure our financial future. There’s nothing like starting a business to take control of your money. However, what business is right for you and do you really want to risk starting a business from scratch?

One book that can answer both questions is one I recently read and I’d like to give you a review of it here on My Worthy Penny.

I’ve been watching Codie Sanchez on YouTube since the summer and I was so impressed with what she had to say that I signed up to receive her newsletter at Contrarian Thinking (which by the way is a really good read so put signing up on your to do list).

When I saw that she was about to publish a book called Main Street Millionaire, I knew it had to be added to my to read pile.

I’ve read so many books that promise to teach you this, show you how to do this but they never deliver.

Main Street Millionaire delivers and delivers in such a way I thought I had Codie sitting right next to me telling me her story and how I could achieve her level of success. I love books with a me to you style and this one hits the target.

Codie’s actually done everything she tells you to do, and yes, she even tells you what she did wrong. I know most of us hate to admit we messed up along the way.

The main premise of the book is the secret to running a business and get financially secure doesn’t have to be you trying to reinvent the wheel. It’s about buying a business…a main street one and knowing someone else has already got the business up and running, there’s a nice cash flow, and if you’re lucky,  even someone already in place who can help you run it or at least show you the ropes.

We all hear about tech start ups and people getting rich through digital assets so this was a refreshing take on how to own a business. Businesses just like the ones our grandparents and parents once owned.

Not the glamor businesses but things like car washes, cleaning companies, and laundromats.

If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty and have no problem telling people you wash windows for a living, then this is definitely a book you’ll want to check out.

Ah, but you say, don’t these businesses cost a fortune to buy? Isn’t it just easier to start your own business with a $100 and build from there?

Codie even tells you how to creatively finance a deal and no, it won’t require you to go to the bank and get a loan.

Main Street Millionaire takes you through every stage from deciding what type of business is best for you, to securing the deal, getting to work and then scaling it so maybe one day you can exit it and sell it for a profit. The best thing about this book is it makes owning a business within anyone’s reach.

There are just a handful of books that I feel like I want to read over and over again and Main Street Millionaire is one of them.

I highly recommend you check it out and better yet, go find yourself a main street business to buy.

Here’s a link to where you can buy it on Amazon and full disclosure, I’m an Amazon Affiliate so I will be compensated if you purchase it.

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